Friday, January 15, 2021

betta livida: the most loving couple and prolific rendezvous

Its about a loving pair, wild caught LM2si and LF5tm bought from a seller. By the way the seller mentioned  the sp tg malim female specimen being wild caught. I trust his words.  They were paired on 15th of December 2020, in a red medium sized tank. They took their own sweet time and finally spawned on 23rd of December.  Then they exhibited what's true love all about, with spawn after spawn.  Its like electronic clock precision, the moment fries twitched off the bubbles and swam freely, Daddy and Mommy will go for another rendezvous.

15/12/20        The pair placed in breeding tank
23/12/20         First Spawn (1)
28/12/20         Second spawn (2), the moment fries swam freely. (New eggs in renewed nest within coconut shell. I missed the opportunity to take the pair out .)
1/1/21            Shift pair into new tank after fries from spawn2 swam freely.
3/1/21            Third spawn (3)
8/1/21            Shift pair to a new tank after  spawn3 swam freely
9/1/21            Fourth spawn (4)
14/1/21          Shift pair to a new tank right after spawn 4 swam freely.
15/1/21          Fifth spawn (5)
19/1/21          Take female out (update on 21/1/21)
20/1/21          Take male out

video1: 14/1/2020 12.10pm moments before the pair would be taken out after 4th spawn. 
If I shift them 2 hours later, new eggs would probably be deposited in the old nest.

Estimates of fries
spawn1: 60plus
spawn2: 50plus
spawn3: 50plus
spawn4: 50plus
spawn5: 50plus (update on 21/1/21)

I wonder what kicks off this productive phenomenon:  the chill of rainy season or  a marvelous case of true love being displayed. I shall wait if there are new eggs deposited for the fifth spawn, then after let the pair rest for a month. Its too taxing on me as wild betta breeder, and probably on the pair as well.  For me, its another 3 months of tedious fry care  before sex orientation of each spawn can be determined.

betta livida breeding, seri iskandar.

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Describing betta livida seri iskandar